New Delhi 31st August. If Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit has not committed corruption of thousands of crore in the Commonwealth Games then why she is avoiding debate in the Legislative Assembly on the corruption in Commonwealth Games? On the one hand Congress claims that the public representatives have the right to discuss any subject. They can raise any issue of public interest through debate in the Legislative Assembly and Parliament. On the other hand Smt. Sheila Dikshit is degrading the dignity of Legislative Assembly by refusing the Legislators of Opposition Parties debate on the corruptions by Govt. The way in which she forced the BJP Legislators out of the Legislative Assembly through the marshals, proves that the Chief Minister of Delhi and her Govt. have committed bungling in the games. BJP will continue to fight against this unconstitutional Act of the Govt. within the Assembly and out side it till the Chief Minister is not dismissed in the case of corruption in the Games.
Expressing the aforesaid views BJP Delhi Pradesh President Sh. Vijender Gupta has through a press statement said that the Chief Minister and her cabinet colleagues and the Legislators, explain in the Legislative Assembly that they have not committed bungling in the Games. They are innocent. On the other hand Congress does not allow the BJP Legislators to debate the matter in the Assembly. Now the Chief Minister has become fully a dictator. In the case of Games bungling she herself the Judge, Lawyer and accused. In democratic countries the states do not function with the help of such despotic Government. The Chief Minister cannot escape the responsibility by holding the officers responsible for benefiting her family members, favorites and contractors by spending 25 thousand crore rupees by Delhi Govtl in the Commonwealth Games.
Sh. Gupta told that the Prime Minister had himself appointed Shunglu Committee to inquire into corruption in the Commonwealth Games. He had stated in the Parliament that no body who has committee corruption in the Commonwealth Games will be spared. The Shunglu Committee has found the Chief Minister and each of her department guilty for corruption of thousands of crores in its six reports. It has recommended to the Prime Minister that he should order the CBI to file cases against Chief Minister and other corrupt persons. The CAG has also found the Chief Minister guilty of bungling. In spite of this neither the Prime Minister has taken any steps to dismiss her nor asked her to resign. It shows that the money of corruption has gone to the high level also.
BJP Pradesh President told that the Shunglu Committee and the CAG has not made single allegation against the Leader of Opposition Prof. Vijay Kumar Malhotra. In spite of this Chief Minister says that Prof. Malhotra is also guilty of corruption like Suresh Kalmadi. Its shows that the Chief Minister has lost her mental balance. She is making wild allegations against Leader of the Opposition in the Assembly with out any basis. He has demanded the Prime Minister and President of India that in the interest of justice and Delhi it is necessary that Smt. Sheila Dikshit and her corrupt colleagues should be dismissed and the CBI may be directed to file cases of corruption and bungling against them.